If only they could talk!! It was middle of the night and I s aw my parents sound asleep. But why did I wake up? Was it a bad dream or something else? Oh well, it was because of the long lost acquaintanceship with my seasonal guests. But to my surprise my parents were sleeping unperturbed in spite of them! I was cur ious more of 'why me' than 'how it could be'. And then that night's slumber was almost ruined. Thus begun my tryst with these 'so called' friends for that day... That morning I got into a bus and saw people who were sitting near me, with their hands off their legs either on window sills or holding a bar 'very happily'. But as I looked at myself, my hands were always uninviting my 'friends' off my legs at that juncture. I wondered if they followed me up till here or were they 'their' friends? But why me a...
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